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General Excel Tips General Access Tips
Some are 2003 Tips, some are 2007 Tips.  For New 2007 Tips - go to www.bwarner.org/tips

Basics #1
creating, column widths, cut/paste/copy, autofill, formulas, insert/delete rows

Basics #2
row height, insert/delete columns, copying absolute/relative formulas

Spreadsheet Tabs  - Color Tabs

Sorting a Worksheet

Formatting Tips #1
font size, color, borders, alignment, landscape/portrait
centering, gridlines, backgrounds

Formatting Tips #2
wrap, format painter, number formatting, freeze, hide/unhide, wordart
autoshape/text/arrow/text boxes;

More Wrap

formatting date & note on ####### on spreadsheets

Merge & Center

Formulas - Sum/Min/Max/Average %s

Conditional Formatting  -  More Conditional Formatting

Absolute/Relative Cell References

If Function/Statement/Formula

Excel 2003  -  Excel 2007

Creating/Customizing Charts/Graphs (Excel 2003)
Series/Axis For Chart (Excel 2003)
Excel 2007 Quick Chart Update
column, line, pie charts, tips on legends, axis labeling, background colors/textures,
data series colors/gradients, editing lines/shapes & more...

Alternative Graph/Chart Method (2003)
Starting the chart wizard without selecting data first.

Charts - Color & Chart Titles (that change!)
Excel 2003  -  Excel 2007

First VLOOKUP Examples (posted 10/19/07)
Second VLOOKUP example...


creating formulas with cells from several spreadsheets

2003Macros  ~  2003Macros & Buttons  ~ 2007 Macros & Buttons

Viewing Formulas

Background Error Checking - Excel 2007

Protecting a Worksheet
2003 Excel  -  2007 Excel

Just for fun - Text to Speech

Just for fun - Shortcut keys

Access Basics #1

 Creating a table
also discusses how to choose data types for fields

Creating a Form  
Access 2003    Access 2007
basic form, formatting, color, background,
adding a picture, modifying in the design view

Reports - more on designing/formatting 
Access 2003  Access 2007  (both are new for F07)
create a report, adjust report design -
adjust/wrap column headings, use font/background color, add a label, plus...

Getting Started with Queries - 2003/7

from Excel spreadsheets into Access tables

Importing - multiple field primary key
**note: use the CTRL key while clicking to select 2 non-adjacent fields in the table design view

Creating a relationship between tables
Access 2003  -  Access 2007
NEW!! With Multi-field Primary Keys

Queries & Parameters - 2003/7

Queries - Formatting the Datasheet View
Access 2003  -  Access 2007

Queries - basic criteria
selecting records based on the value of a field in the query
formatting data sheet view

Sorting a Query - Formatting Fields within a Query

 Queries - basic parameter

Queries - Other Wildcards
*, ?, #

Validation Techniques
validation rules (numbers/text), error messages, required fields, input mask

Queries - calculation fields

Queries - top values

Reports - grouping / sum / average & design view

Queries - text fields
Like, Not, Wildcards * , In, OR, & some examples with parameters

Queries - numeric fields
>, >=, <, <=, =, <>, AND, OR, and some examples with parameters

Queries - date fields
Like, Between, AND, OR, date fields, [year], Date(), and some examples with parameters

Queries - Boolean Operators

Queries - Grouping

Queries - IIF Function

Creating a Look-Up field
(using another table)

Queries - more advanced
using 'or', 'like' with wildcards, parameters, 'not', 'and', and group

Switchboards 2003 & 2007 - Additional 2007 Notes
creating, modifying, linking, default startup settings

 Created by Barb Warner, University of South Florida
Want to see a new tip??? Email me @ bwarner@coba.usf.edu